Weekend (R)evolution

Facebook is a lot of different things to different people.

For many, it’s a way to reconnect with old friends or classmates. It’s also a way to stay connected and fresh with current friends and family—who, because of lack time or span of distance, we have trouble connecting with otherwise.

It’s a way to show off a a little bit, too. A new haircut, a new musical performance, an accomplishment or reward, a new baby or spouse. We show off ourselves, we show off our families.

We take positions. Politics, religion. Gun control, birth control. LBGT, equality, diversity, immigration. Cats or dogs. Cubs or Sox.

For some…it’s a way to pass the time. Reading news articles that our network has shared, or viewing pictures, taking quizzes or polls, playing games.

And I frequently run into people who think Facebook is a waste of time. I think that’s got some merit. Usually I only hear “productivity” and “Facebook” used together if the conversation includes the words “complete lack of” and “thanks to.”

If anything else, for me Facebook is a unique lens into the lives of people I know, I think I know, or once knew, but now know differently.

[That made sense in my head when I typed it. Now…not so much. Not trying again because I’ll probably just butcher it beyond recognition.]

This weekend, I saw apple picking, ½ marathons and 5K races, weddings, baptisms.

Birthday celebrations, Riot Fest revelers, football games, baseball games.

Playing with baby in a pillow fort, a content young girl reading in a park, 100K bike rides, 2-mile runs, a picture of somebody sitting down to consume what looked like about 11 lbs. of steak.

This was a GOOD weekend, wasn’t it?

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